Directorty Opus 5 - Magellan 2
Opus 5 - Magellan 2.iso
Text File
106 lines
Directory Opus 5.5
Software Development Kit 1.0
(c) 1996 Jonathan Potter & GPSoftware
The Opus SDK kit allows you to access the functions in the dopus5.library,
and create your own modules, applications or other programs that use the
power of Directory Opus.
The contents of the SDK is as follows :
docs - Documentation for the dopus5.library
AGDocs - Documentation in AmigaGuide format for the dopus5.library
include - Include files
lib - Linker files
example - Example source code
source - Source to the modinit.o module
The include and linker files are all designed for use with a C compiler
(the example source code is set up to compile under SAS/C).
The examples that have been included are :
module - A basic module that adds one command to Opus and
opens a requester. Shows a simple example of
creating an Opus module.
envoymodule - A module that lets you set network information for
files with Envoy. Shows an example of a simple
user interface, using the Opus callback function
and using a progress indicator.
iconclock - The source to the icon clock module. Shows how to
write a module that is called on startup and remains
resident. Also has an example of the new AppIcon
features of Opus.
viewfont - The source to the ViewFont program. Shows how to
create a more complex, resizeable user interface,
and how to access menus.
Contact and Support
As well as the WWW pages located at
we maintain a number of mailing lists for Directory Opus users. These
are designed to provide general comment and limited support for
registered users of Opus 5.5.
A) General Mailing list: dopus5
This is a mailing list for general discussion relating to
general use and comments for Opus 5. To subscribe to this
list, send mail to listserv@lss.com.au with :
subscribe dopus5 <Your Name>
in the message body. You will be automatically sent a brief
welcome message, with instructions on how to post to the list.
B) Developer Mailing list: dopus5-dev
There is a mailing list for the discussion of programming issues
relating to Opus and the Opus SDK. To subscribe to this list,
send mail to listserv@lss.com.au with :
subscribe dopus5-dev <Your Name>
in the message body. You will be automatically sent a brief welcome
message, with instructions on how to post to the list.
Copyrights and Notices
Directory Opus 5 is (c) Jonathan Potter and GPSoftware 1995-1996.
This collection of developer materials is (c) GPSoftware but may be
distributed free of charge to owners of Opus 5 to assist development
of supporting modules and programs to be run with Dopus 5.5 providing
this archive is distributed in its entirety. No part of this archive
may be reproduced seperately in a any form whatsoever without written
permission from GPSoftware.
Although we have taken all care in assembling these development resources,
the information is provided 'as is' without any guarantee or warranty as to
the performance etc etc. Neither GPSoftware, Jonathan Potter nor Dr Greg
Perry accept liability for accuracy or the use of these materials.
$VER: OpusSDK 1.0 (09.9.96)
Dr Greg Perry, GPSoftware, September 9th 1996
PO Box 570, Ashgrove, Qld Australia 4060 Ph/fax +61 7 33661402
Internet Email: zzgperry@mailbox.uq.oz.au
WWW : http://www.livewire.com.au/gpsoft/